Animals Are People Too!

At the time of me writing this post, it’s just over a month since my sweet tabby cat, Weeble passed away suddenly at 16.  She was the oldest member of our family, & deeply loved & respected by the other furkids.


Since her passing, I haven’t been able to wash the linens on the guest bed where she & I spent her last 30 hours as she fought so hard for her life.  Aside from the obvious fact that grief takes a lot out of you & I haven’t had much energy, the other cats have spent time on that bed quite a bit since her passing.  Chester in particular naps often in the very spot where she passed away.


Chester in Weeble's spot, May 26, 2016


I think it was 2 days after her death that I found him here, & asked him “Are you missing Weeble?”  He meowed a soft, mournful meow, & pulled the covers close to him.  It broke my heart.  Grieving is hard enough but the hardest part is watching the furbabies hurting too & not being able to do anything to help them feel better.


Animals feel deeply.  Moreso than many humans I’ve known.  Please remember that about your pets.  They hurt when another animal in your home dies too, so don’t forget to give them extra love & comfort during this trying time.  It will help both of you to feel better.


And, keep their feelings in mind at other times too!  They can be hurt just as easily as a human can if someone snaps at them after a bad day or ignores them for the TV.  Criticisms hurt them too.  Don’t forget, animals understand the words you say, not just the tone of your voice.  If you call your dog fat or your cat lazy, they know exactly what you mean, & it makes them feel as badly as it would you if someone called you fat or lazy.  (This topic has been the cause of many arguments with my narcissistic mother, as she thinks it’s acceptable to come into my home & tell my pets who is too fat, too skinny, too whatever.  It took over 20 years to get her to stop that awful behavior.)  Calling your pet beautiful, smart, etc. will have a very positive effect too, just as it would if someone complemented you.  I also tell my furkids how proud I am of them, how smart & caring they are.  I praise them frequently & they respond to it well.  Do the same with your pets, & see if they don’t love the praise!


One interesting thing I’ve noticed is that my furkids love to be prayed for.  Pretty Boy was diagnosed with liver carcinoma at the end of  2013.  The vet said he only had a short time left.  I knew the vet was right- not only was she a very good, but she showed me the bloodwork results.  He also had lost 2 pounds- a fair amount of weight for a cat.  His side where his liver is also felt somewhat enlarged, which the vet said was his liver.  She saw it on an ultrasound.   I prayed for him constantly, & every time I did, Pretty Boy would purr the entire time.  I even asked him before I prayed if he wanted me to pray for him, & many times, he would rub on me or headbonk me.  The best part of this is when he went back to the vet the following year, there was no sign of the liver carcinoma!  No swelling, he had gained back the 2 pounds he lost, & his bloodwork was fine.  In fact, the vet said “it was perfect.”


Just please remember, your furkids are people too!  Treat them with the love & respect they deserve, & talk to them with love.  When you must correct them, do so gently & with respect.  They will respond very well when you do this!








Filed under Animals, Christian Topics and Prayers

4 responses to “Animals Are People Too!

  1. revengestar

    OMG he looks obese what happened?
    i am so sorry for your loss


  2. I think that this post is a good synopsis of how animals should be treated. And praying for our fur babies is a no-brainer. When my dog first came to us as a rescue she had several health problems. One in particular had defied treatment by her veterinarian and I was very worried. But I prayed for her and solicited prayer from friends and she was well without treatment within 12 hours. God does care about our pets and that knowledge gives me peace.


    • Thank you!

      It should be a no brainer, but I haven’t heard of a lot of folks who actually do it. Figured it was time to post a little reminder..

      That is wonderful with your dog! Praise God!! I had a similar miracle with my Magic. He was diagnosed in 2003 with cardio myopathy (heart was enlarged & weak). One chamber of his heart was especially large, & the vet said because of that he may develop blood clots in there that would float through his body. It could kill him at any time. He threw 1 clot immediately after the diagnosis, but it was a small one & he was fine in no time. The only other clot he threw was a while after. It went into his right hand & he couldn’t walk on it. As my husband drove us like mad to the emergency vet, I prayed & laid hands on Magic. By the time the vet saw us about 30 minutes later, Magic was purring so loud, she couldn’t hear his heartbeat! LOL She said she could tell what happened & he may never have use of that hand again. He walked normally as soon as he hit the floor. She was amazed & I thanked God over & over for that one. 🙂

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