Hyper Vigilence


Filed under Abuse and the Healing Journey, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mental Health, Narcissism

2 responses to “Hyper Vigilence

  1. Lifelessonswithlynny

    Interesting. I definitely am hypersensitive to others from my horrific upbringing. My narcissist niece came to visit recently and when she was confused about the why of something not happening I said well I had been extremely unwell for a long period of time. She got extremely angry for about a second, but caught herself and moved on. Someone else might not have caught or not thought much about, but I saw it clear as day. Yes I had to be on my toes growing up with my narcissist mother. Even though i have been no contact for many years (something i regret, I would have just went extreme grey rock and too busy to talk) she remains to this day the most inconsistent person I ever meet. You just can’t ever win with a person like that.


    • Your situation with your niece sounds so typical of someone raised by a narcissistic parent. It’s a survival skill, learning to sense their every possible mood & move to avoid the rage.

      True, you really can’t win with people like that.


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