Changing Negative Thoughts About Yourself

Negative thoughts can easily consume us, especially on bad mental health days.  Whether triggered by a bad mood or a serious mental disorder such as PTSD, the tendency to be overly critical of oneself comes naturally.  However, this harsh self criticism only serves to worsen our mental state.  It’s absolutely essential to adopt a kinder perspective towards these negative thoughts & provide ourselves with the compassion we truly deserve.

An important aspect of dealing with negative thoughts involves reframing our perspective towards challenges.  Instead of berating ourselves for lack of intelligence when making a mistake, for example, acknowledging the complexities of our current situations makes us feel more understanding & empathy.  By shifting our focus from self criticism to self compassion, we enable personal growth & development.

Another crucial step in managing negative thoughts is recognizing & responding to our personal needs.  Rather than chastising ourselves for emotional outbursts or feeling overwhelmed, understanding these as signals for needing more self care & soon is wise.  Taking a break by engaging in activities that nurture our well being can positively influence our mental state & help us through challenging times.

It is vital to reframe our mindset concerning mental health disorders as well.  Instead of viewing them as weaknesses, viewing them as testaments to resilience & survival is empowering. For instance, conditions like C PTSD, depression, or anxiety should be seen as scars from past trials rather than manifestations of weakness.  I have had to do this myself, after having so called friends claim I was weak for having C-PTSD, & I can tell you that this simple change in perspective is life changing.

If you are suffering with C-PTSD or PTSD, it also is important never to compare your experiences with those of other people.  Someone else can go through the same trauma as you while not developing either disorder, but that is not a sign you are weak.  Each person’s journey is unique, & comparisons with others only damage one’s self esteem.

Reflecting on past achievements & triumphs over adversity also can help to increase self esteem.  Reading old journal entries or revisiting memories of overcoming challenging situations can be an excellent reminder of one’s strength & resilience.  Reminding ourselves of the progress made & the hurdles overcome definitely instills confidence in our ability to navigate any difficulties.

Acknowledging that bad days are a natural part of life is also fundamental in managing negative thoughts. Embrace the ebb & flow of emotions, & accept that they are just a normal part of life.  Always remember too that not every day will be plagued with negativity & uncertainties can offer hope & resilience during challenging times.

And, most importantly, learn who God says you are.  The Bible is full of the wonderful things God says about His children.  Learn about them!  That alone will help you tremendously!  To help you get started, check out the Positive Affirmations like on my website at

In conclusion, altering our outlook towards negative thoughts is essential for promoting mental well being & self compassion. By doing so, we can better survive those inevitable dark times.  


Filed under Abuse and the Healing Journey, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mental Health

7 responses to “Changing Negative Thoughts About Yourself

  1. Jade

    Thank you for the reminders about not comparing journey’s, Cynthia. I’m learning to be my own best friend and it’s a lovely thing after a lot of my life spent bring hard on myself. I also reread this quote from Winnie the pooh recently which is a great reminder for all of us…

    “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jade

    Ps so sorry what your “friends” said to you about cptsd. Crikey! 🥺 You’re a wonderful “lighthouse” for others despite all the things you’ve been through.. that takes real strength!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much!! I really appreciate that! ❤

      As for my “friends”, they were removed from my life long ago, obviously with good reason. I do NOT miss them either!


      • Jade

        All true. I do appreciate your writing and understand it mustn’t be in an easy thing to do sometimes. ❤️

        I bet! Yikes.. some people… 🙄


        • Thank you!!! I appreciate hearing that! & no, it isn’t easy to do at all. I have to take breaks constantly,

          No kidding. In a way it’s kinda good though- I’ve become much more aware of signs of such toxic people & avoid them now.

          Liked by 1 person

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