About Cynthia Bailey-Rug


I was born April 21, 1971 in Baltimore, Maryland, but I grew up in Glen Burnie. I also spent plenty of time with my paternal grandparents in Manassas, Virginia, so I feel like a native Virginian as well as Marylander. I’m very proud to be a Southern lady. My paternal granddad once told me, “Never forget you’re a Southerner!” And, I haven’t.

I married my husband, Eric on September 24, 1998. Together, we are the parents to several cats and a dog. You can see them by clicking here: My Family. Eric and I share a love of animals, classic cars, NASCAR, monster trucks and more. Together we have four cars we are trying to restore- his late grandfather’s 1969 Chevelle (no, it’s not for sale, so don’t bother asking.. lol), my first car which is a 1978 Buick Skyhawk, my 1970 Oldsmobile Delta 88 and my late Granddad’s 1969 Plymouth Fury.

I enjoy electronic gadgets, reading, music, crochet, knitting, movies, yard sales, learning about the Victorian era and exploring my Native American Indian and Irish heritages. My paternal grandmother’s grandmother was full American Indian, so I admit, I don’t have much in me, but I’m proud of it anyway. My husband is mostly German (as am I), so we also enjoy exploring that heritage as well. We enjoy Oktoberfests, but they aren’t overly popular where we live.

I’ve enjoyed reading (especially scary/suspenseful stuff) and writing as long as I can remember. I honestly never expected it to be a career, even though I always had a fantasy of being a successful writer in the back of my mind. In eighth grade, my junior high school had a poetry contest. I won first place. It was a huge confidence booster for me. I wrote a few more poems through high school, and thoroughly enjoyed creative writing classes. After graduation, I only tinkered with the occasional poem until I met Eric. Then, I wrote quite a few poems. Some of the poems I wrote for him as well as other poems have been published at: www.Poetry.com

In 1999, I started a small ministry for people with depressive disorders. I suffered all my life with depression, so it seemed the natural thing for me to do is help others conquer depression as God helped me. I discovered during this time that the little bi-monthly newsletter I sent out was my favorite part of running this ministry. I wrote the entire thing, and coming up with little encouraging articles was my favorite part. I gave up that ministry in 2002, and began writing more, as that is where I felt God was leading me. I really got serious about writing a couple of years later. One day, I was working in one of our gardens outside, after cleaning our house. As I was digging around, I told God, “I can’t wait ’til tomorrow when I can goof off and write instead of working all day!” Loud and clear, I heard His voice say, “Writing isn’t your reward- it’s your purpose.” I never heard His voice so clearly before, so I realized the seriousness of this calling, and decided it’s time to focus on writing to glorify God. I have asked for His guidance on what exactly to do, and He has given it to me. The more time progresses, the more unique opportunities come my way. I have edited manuscripts, college papers, and written articles, legal briefs and resumes. Those jobs gave me experience, and I have since decided to focus on writing books as well as articles for this site.

My heart’s desire is to help people with my writing. I hope to help people grow closer to God, as well as to write entertaining stories to enable people to relax- both in the hopes of helping create more joy their lives. I have loved animals (admittedly, more than many humans) since I was born, and I also plan to use my work to help people realize that animals are God’s gift to humanity, worthy of our love and respect. Having suffered abuse in my life, I also desire to help other abuse survivors heal and thrive with writing about many of my experiences.

In 2012, I developed Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or C-PTSD as a result of surviving narcissistic abuse.  Recovery from narcissistic abuse and teaching others about Narcissistic Personality Disorder are currently the main focus of my writing.

I am truly grateful to be able to do what I love, and earn a living at it. God is so good!

31 responses to “About Cynthia Bailey-Rug

  1. I can’t tell if this posted to your page or not. I’m not meaning to spam you, if so! I hope you don’t mind, but I nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I put the questions and instructions on this page:

    Acceptance of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award – nominations & questions

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can view my post at the link below.
    Annie ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  3. lynettedavis

    Wow Cynthia, you have written a lot of books! Which one would you recommend reading first–about Narcissism?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Writing is what God wants me to do so I do it.. 🙂 Good thing I like to write..lol

      Well, if you want to learn about narcissism regarding how it relates to your mother, I’d start with “It’s All About ME!” If you want to learn about healing from the abuse you went through, I’d recommend my latest one “Life After Narcissistic Abuse: There Is Healing & Hope”. My autobiography, “Emerging from the Chrysalis” definitely touches on narcissism a lot, but it’s more about explaining my experiences to let others know they aren’t alone than teaching about narcissism.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. cindy patterson

    Hello Cynthia, I too suffered from depression. Plus divorced two husbands with narcissism. May I ask where I can read more of your writing on depression? Thank you, Cindy Ohio


  5. revengestar

    you are a very brave and smart woman! will follow!


  6. Jilly bean

    OK, wow. I feel like God just took my hand and led me to your friendly little cottage to sit with you, mugs of tea in hand by your fireplace, where I would drink in your needful advice. I will soon have to leave but I’ll walk down the stone path from your place encouraged, my shoulders lighter, a smile sneaking across my usually concerned face. Thank you for using your talents for others! I’m so glad you obeyed the Lord. I’ll be knocking again soon. I look forward to hearing your wisdom again!

    Have a blessed day! You sure have blessed mine 🙂

    Jilly Bean

    Liked by 1 person

  7. radhikabanhatti

    You are doing great work by teaching people about this Cynthia. I have had a mildly NPD childhood too (dad is a narc, mom co-dependent) but my dad was actually the scapegoat of his family and turned into a narc later. So he is really a very mild version of a narc and is not very harmful. However, I have a mother in law who is a full blown NPD. She wrecked a lot of things in my life and in the life of her 3 children. When I got to know about NPD, I began researching it ferociously, as I think everyone who has been through it does.

    I am sure a lot of people find the answers they are looking for by reading your blog. Keep up the good work!


    • Thank you so much, radhikabanhatti! That is very kind of you to say! ❤

      I'm sorry for your experiences. That's very true though- once we hear about NPD, we tend to obsess for a while. I think it's totally normal- we finally are finding answers & it's such a relief.

      Thank you again & have a blessed day!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. ibikenyc

    Look at YOU! ;-D

    I mistakenly thought I’d read this page already when I first found you.

    I adore your cats and dogs. I have a seventeen-year-old tortie who is the light of my life.

    I got about a dozen years on you, but our lives are very similar in some ways beyond “just” the narcissistic FOO.

    I don’t know why I had the impression that there’s a big German population in your part of the world, there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thanks! I love my furry family. 🙂 they’re wonderful!

      17! How cool! Torties are wonderful kitties, aren’t they? So quirky & fun.

      Nice we share similarities..too bad one is narcissists though.

      There’s not a lot of Germans here, but I’d guess most are hubby’s family..lol

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Terrilynn

    Thank you and God bless.Just read your article on.. There Is A Demonic Element To Narcissism..I have been going through this for years, finally am putting boundaries and praying.. Not letting the Enemy have the upper hand at the negative words.. negative cursing are definitely high in thier primary assault tactics..And knowing our Authority in Jesus is a must and a big thing for Us as Children of God,We must use the protective armor that God gave us..putting on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6…Thank you once again..passing you Knowledge and Wisdom..Really encouraging..Terrilynn

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! May God bless you too!

      I couldn’t agree with you more. Thank God He has given us authority over the devil & his minions! I can’t imagine how anyone could handle narcissistic abuse without God in their life.


  10. Linda Lee/@LadyQuixote

    I am amazed by your blog, Cynthia. I wish I had the time to read all of the posts in your archives. Maybe some day, after my memoir is done. You were born the same year as my oldest son, but I am learning from your blog!

    Your site is my favorite blog on the topic of narcissistic abuse. I have read a lot of blogs about narcissism, but I like yours the best.

    I just wanted to let you know — you are awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Perpetua

    What a blessing to hear God’s voice in the middle of gardening. God gave you a gift of writing. Blessings!


  12. Hi Cynthia

    I could not find a contact page to reach you…

    My name is Clive and I manage https://emotionalintelligencedeveloper.com

    It’s a Self-help website and we’d like you to blog and share posts. We like your work.

    Have a look and consider contributing. Reach more people. You are allowed to direct people to your own website in your posts. Self-help relevant posts.

    If you agree please reply and we can send you an invite.

    Contact us

    Clive M.


  13. I appreciate your insight into Narcissistic abuse and dementia. Thank you.


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