Benefits Of Journaling


I swear by keeping a journal.  In fact, I write in mine daily, & have a reminder on my cell phone to do so.   It helps me to vent when I’m upset & to remember the many things for which I’m grateful for.  It also helps me to keep track of when events in my life have happened.


I’ve also realized that a journal can help you heal from narcissistic abuse & keep your sanity while you’re in the midst of it.


There is something about seeing things in writing that brings such clarity.  It makes things more real.  It validates your experiences.  It shows you that yes, that really did happen & it happened that way.


Keeping a journal can help you to keep track of the truth, so when the narcissist in your life insists that a situation isn’t the way you remember, you can look back on your journal & see the truth.


If you’re considering going no contact, it may help you to decide what to do by seeing events in writing.  As I said, seeing things in writing brings clarity, & you need that when trying to decide if no contact is the right solution for you.


Journaling gives you a safe place to share your feelings without judgment.  What you write is between you & God only.  Sharing with people, even the most well meaning ones, can sometimes lead to hurt feelings.  That is something you don’t have to worry about with a journal.


I’ve found a website for a free, online, private journal that I just love.  allows you to keep your journal private or make it public.  You can change the colors of the “pages” to personalize it if you like.  (No, I don’t get any bonus for recommending this diary site- I just like it & thought you might too).


I hope if you don’t currently keep a journal, you’ll consider doing so, Dear Reader.  It really can be a very useful tool for keeping mentally healthy.




Filed under Christian Topics and Prayers, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mental Health, Narcissism

4 responses to “Benefits Of Journaling

  1. I’ve kept a journal over the years but have been lax lately. Thanks for inspiring me to keep going x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the recommendation. It’s strange I read the same thing today in a book by Lysa Terkeurst a Christian author who had a hard childhood. The book is called “becoming more than a good bible study girl”


    • Interesting.. sounds like God is trying to send you a message! 🙂

      One of the ladies in my facebook group shared an article she found earlier today about the benefits of journalling. I didn’t realize it benefits your physical health too, not only your mental health. Pretty cool.

      Liked by 1 person

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