About People Who Act Like They Know Everything Versus The Truly Intelligent.

One of my biggest pet peeves stems from my narcissistic ex husband.  He acted as if he was highly intelligent, intellectually superior to most other people, but me in particular.  I believe this behavior was partly to let me know he believed that I was stupid so I wouldn’t make him look so smart, as well as a way he could try to convince himself that he was as brilliant as he acted. 

This type of behavior is pretty typical of narcissists who are insecure about their intelligence.  Sadly it also can happen with people who aren’t narcissists, yet are insecure about their intelligence.  One person I know is very intelligent, but comes across as a know it all.  It stems from insecurity.  He grew up with a mother who treated him for years as if he was special, then suddenly treated him like dirt.  Going from one extreme to the other in his formative years obviously did some damage, which is only natural.

Thankfully, I have known many more people who truly are intelligent & were humble about it.  I’ve also known ones who weren’t exceptionally intelligent yet felt no need to portray themselves in any other light or make other people feel badly about themselves.  All of these people were secure in who they were. 

I firmly believe that security is one of the hallmarks of truly intelligent people, no matter their IQ.  People like this know that everyone is different, & no one is better or worse than other people.  They also know that a person’s IQ or education isn’t everything.  They know that person can be highly intelligent yet not have graduated high school or have an IQ of 160.  A truly intelligent person has common sense, not simply book knowledge or the ability to learn things at record speed.

Another hallmark of someone who is genuinely intelligent is they don’t feel the need to brag or show off.  There’s an old saying… you never see advertisements for Rolls Royce cars.  They know their worth & value, so they don’t have to advertise it.  That goes for people as well.  A person who knows their true worth won’t try to convince other people of it.  And, a person who is intelligent won’t brag about their intelligence.

They also don’t feel the need to put other people down, making those people look stupid & making themselves look smarter.  They have the sense to realize that type of behavior is not going to make them good, & it’s going to hurt the other person.

A really subtle but wonderful sign of intelligence is when an intelligent person explains something to others, they don’t make those people feel badly or stupid for asking questions.  Instead, they have a way of making the person asking feel that their question is important, valuable & yes, even smart. 

If you are faced with someone who acts as if they are much more intelligent than you, I hope you remember what I have said today.  It can be easy to fall victim to feeling stupid around someone who appears obviously smarter than you, especially if you’re insecure or have been a victim of narcissistic abuse.  But, if you pay attention to the person’s behavior, it shouldn’t take you long to realize what this person is all about.  A person who makes you feel inferior most likely feels that they are the inferior one to you instead of you being inferior to them.


Filed under Mental Health, Narcissism

22 responses to “About People Who Act Like They Know Everything Versus The Truly Intelligent.

  1. Cynthia, well said. A wise person once said, we have two ears and one mouth and we should use them in that proportion. Keith

    Liked by 2 people

  2. William Mathieu

    Hello Cynthia. Thank you for another real honest post.😌
    As I pondered on this truth, my thoughts brought to memory something said to me long ago. The person that said it is intelligent, yet to their own conceit, or maybe it was just an envy for an ability they didn’t have.
    It was said to me, that I’m just a dreamer, and I will never amount to be of anything but a worthless dreamer. I was 18 at the time. Full of life, motivation, really into experiencing my abilities of natural gifts. Discovering myself, really. Yet that remark did something wicked to my person. It infected me like a cancer. Growing slowly through the years, to the point of being ashamed to even dream of creating or solving for the needs of community. I have an ability for deep thought on most everything thats in tandem with my fiscical skills. Both the mind and skills thrive for new challenge. To make something new or invovate. To help solve a need. So that makes me different from the common mind set of the reputicous employee. Many times, I felt that maybe I’ve been cursed, because of the friction of others in the work place when I really put myself out there. Narcissists will inforce what was said to me all those years ago. When they perceive that a person is a dreamer and have the skills to bring the dream to fruition, you will become a martyr. Years of this behavour towards us, years of carring “worthless dreamer” causes a constant, doubting of ones thoughts, perception of reality, value, and ability. The inward suffering, the turmoil of soul, the greivence from chaos in the mind is a constant for us. A never ending battle brought on by years of demonic attempts to destroy what a person was created to be and all they can become. I hate now what God hates, which includes that demon called ” narcissist”. I’ve made so many bad choices of those I let into my life. Most of it was my fault, for knowing what he truth I know now. I was a co-dependent an didn’t know it for so many years. I sought after validation from man, just to be martyred. The emotional cycles of little up to deep down were endless. Yet God, later in my years, learned me. It’s a journey of knowlegde I’ll never regret and will remember for eternity with joy. I still struggle with ” worthless dreamer”. It’s quite a challenge to undo a cancer that’s been within for over 40 years. Yet, with God’s help through His word and based people as yourself, I’ve been slowly bring that cancer into submission. The pain I will always carry, yet in a new light. I don’t try to run away from, yet embrase it for what it is meant to be.
    Thank you again Cynthia for the love you have for humanity and the empathy for those that reach out to you. God bless you 🕊️🌻😌


    • Hello William! Thank you!

      Oh wow.. that is a cruel thing to say to someone but especially someone of that age when being a bit of a dreamer helps them to figure out what they want to do with their life. No wonder it did such damage!

      When someone is more unique as you, people can be so cruel. Seems to me most folks want everyone to fit into their box & those who don’t are shunned, mocked, etc.

      Your changed view & healing are wonderful! Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you! It’s amazing how things can change when you view them God’s way instead of man’s, isn’t it?

      Thank you so much! God bless you as well!


      • William Mathieu

        It’s really lovely to have found a God fearing friend Cynthia.🥲. I enjoy your posts and the replies of others. It’s been nice to be able to cry again, from the compassion others. It warms the heart, sooths the soul, and calms the mind.
        And yes!!!!! The fear of God is wisdom. ( Proverbs 9: 10. The fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
        Viewing life from His perspective will change a man from a beast to the likeness of Himself. Genesis 3: 22. And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become as one of us, to ” know ” good and evil. Know that the Godhead can only be speaking of the first man ( Adam ) not man kind. We all come under God’s perspective to ” know ” good and evil ” since His Christ came. AKA…The knowledge of/from the Holy One ( Holy Spirit ) IS understanding. The Genesis account of creation is deep concerning man, his purpose, his reason of being, his realm ( the truth of were he exists ). Yes!!!! Sweet sister, there’s no treasure this world has to offer greater than the words of TRUTH AUTHORED by our Great God and Father in heaven. 😊


        • Thank you! It’s lovely to have met you as well!

          Tears can be very healing for sure!

          Yes! God’s wisdom & discernment are invaluable! Among His greatest gifts! Thank God for them!


          • William Mathieu

            Amen. Well, as you may perceived, I love to talk, especially with those with commonality. I’m self employed again, and work is slow for me, so I study from others that have a good grip on spiritual reality and authors like yourself. Along with God’s word of course. I’ll be quite though and respect your time. Your much needed to many, and you have your studies as well.
            I forgot to include, if you venture into the book of Enoch, make sure it’s 1st Enoch. That’s genuine, 2 and 3 are frauds. Also tell your husband I said hello. He’s a blessed man to have been led to you.😌. May our Father bless you richly to those that reach out to you. 🙏🕊️.

            Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/AAb9ysg


            • lol I did guess that. My best friend loves to talk too (to limited people- she’s very introverted like me) so I’m used to that.

              Thank you! I appreciate you being so thoughtful regarding my time!

              I found the book of Enoch for free. How do I tell it’s the first? What I found is written by Jay Winter in 2015, by the way.

              That is sweet.. thank you for saying that! 🙂

              & thank you again! May God richly bless you & yours!


              • William Mathieu

                Thank you for responding Cynthia.
                My sweet❤️ is an introvert also, so I understand😌. I’m the opposite though. I can go into a crowd and make an acquaintance very easily.
                To answer your question about the book of Enoch. If it just says the book of Enoch, it’s the first one. Majority of biblical truth seekers/scholars, gravitate too the transcribe author R.H. Charles.
                Here’s a short history of the book.
                1st Enoch was written centuries before the coming of Christ. Enoch ( the son of Seth ) was God’s first prophet and historian. Enoch prophesized about the Christ more than all the old testament prophets combined. Enoch 2 and 3 was written after Christ and the author is perceived to Enoch ( the son of Cain ). Those 2 books are a debauchery, especially 3. It’s full of Jewish myths and neither book speaks of the Messiah. Also, the Ethiopian Orthodox church has one of the oldest transcripts of the book of Enoch. The’ve had it long before the dead sea scrolls were discovered.
                Here’s something fun to ponder Cynthia.
                Remember the story of Philip and the Ethiopian???? Acts8: 26-40. It’s intense, so read it slow. I believe, that’s how Ethiopia got a hold of the book of Enoch and the scripture’s.
                Hope this helps Cynthia.🙏🕊️

                Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/AAb9ysg


                • How funny you two are so opposite like that! Sometimes opposites attract & work well together, & other times they don’t. You reminded me of this meme I saw some time back.. it makes me laugh because I once dated an extrovert & this easily could have been us. https://ifunny.co/picture/6lAJ0INM7

                  Thank you for clarifying! I found the R.H. Charles version you mentioned. It sounds very intriguing!

                  Yes! I remember that story! Such a fascinating one!


                  • William Mathieu

                    Just looked at the meme. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Thank you

                    Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/AAb9ysg

                    Liked by 1 person

                  • William Mathieu

                    Interesting thought that came to mind about me being extravert.
                    Concerning my ex narc, we were at a church function one time that was opened to our community. While I was socializing among people I didn’t know, one of my church sisters commented to my wife saying
                    ( Your husband is amazing, he can go into a crowd and make a friend so easily ). The both of them were standing behind me when that was said. My ex replied to my sister in a very deplorable manner. Knowing what I know now, she hated my genuineness, and envied that which she don’t have or ever experienced, and my never will😔. Can’t go without saying though, she did a number on my persona and virtues over the years. Dam narcissists, seek to destroy everything their not.


                    • Well that’s no surprise how your wife responded. Someone complemented you instead of her. Can’t have that now can we?!

                      They sure do seek to destroy everything they’re not. Can’t handle someone looking better than them in any way.


                    • William Mathieu

                      It me so long and much hurt to see it all, from my lack of knowledge Cynthia. As far as I know, most churches won’t even touch this truth today. The sheep suffer and get destroyed from the lack of knowledge.?? They can’t see the demons among them that sit in leadership??

                      Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/AAb9ysg ________________________________


              • William Mathieu

                YouTube… lookup.
                The amazing prophecy of the book of Enoch w/Timothy Alberino & David Carrico.
                This video may be a good intro for you before you go deep into your studies.
                I’m also open to questions and your joy of revelation you will have on your journey😂😂😂.

                Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/AAb9ysg


                • Very good! Thank you for that! I have saved about a million videos (well maybe not, but it feels that way!). So many people have told me about videos that helped their faith, learn about spiritual warfare or (mostly) helped them learn about narcissism, & I’ve saved them all. So it may take me some time to get to this one, but it’s on the list!

                  Have you ever watched Stephen Darby on YouTube? I’ve only caught a couple of his so far but they are interesting & so educational. “Your Problem Is Witches” really was eye opening to me.


                  • William Mathieu

                    😂😂😂. Looks like ill have to investigate Steve Darby. Funny you said that. I’m looking at my next video study to watch next as I’m typing this. ( Things witches don’t want you to know )
                    The creators of the YT channel is titled,
                    Now You See TV. I’ve been diving deep with them. Gosh Cynthia, when God really makes great connections for those whom genuinely pray to know the truth. All this chaos in the world you and I see, as with many others is really of the spiritual demonic influence. Christ himself said about the last generation of man, prior to his return, that it will be as the days of Noah. 😳. Enoch will show you what the days of Noah was like


                • So true & so many churches don’t want to take a chance on losing those tithers. 😦


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