The Hidden Truth Behind Rage

Have you ever wondered why you react so angrily & even uncontrollably to certain things, even when you know that they shouldn’t bother you so much? The truth is, rage is a complex emotion that often stems from deep-seated issues that have been buried within us over many years.

Rage is more than just a spontaneous burst of anger – it is a deeply ingrained emotional response that can be triggered by a variety of underlying factors.

One common cause of rage is a fear of abandonment, which can stem from past experiences of rejection or neglect. When we feel abandoned or unloved, we may lash out in anger automatically as a way to protect ourselves from further hurt.

Another root cause of rage is a feeling of helplessness. When we feel like we have no control over our lives or our circumstances, we may react with rage as a way to assert our power & regain a sense of control. This often manifests in outbursts of anger or aggression towards others, even when they are not directly responsible for our feelings of helplessness.

Feeling hopelessness is another reason behind rage. It is so frustrating to feel there is no hope. That is normal. Equally normal is feeling rage when faced with what feels like another hopeless situation after facing many of them in the past.

For many people, rage can be traced back to childhood trauma & abuse. When a child experiences abuse or neglect at a young age, they may grow up with deep emotional wounds.  This happens because children do not have the coping skills necessary to heal, plus they are too busy trying to survive their situation to have the time to devote to healing even if they did have the necessary coping skills. These unresolved traumas can create insecurity & fear that can manifest as rage in adulthood.

When someone who has been abused as a child encounters a situation that triggers their old wounds, they may unconsciously react with rage as a way to protect themselves from further harm. This can create a vicious cycle of anger & aggression that is impossible to break without proper healing.

It is important to understand that rage is often a reflection of that abused child inside who is still wounded & hurting. Even though the person we are raging at may not intend to hurt us, that part of us that remains an abused child may perceive them as a threat & respond accordingly. This is why it is crucial to address the root causes of our rage & work towards healing those deep emotional wounds.

Healing from rage involves acknowledging past traumas & working through the pain & hurt that we have carried for so long. By addressing the root causes of rage & learning healthier ways to cope with triggers & emotions, we can break free from the cycle of anger & aggression.

By exploring emotions & learning to express them in a healthy way, we can begin to unravel the layers of rage that have built up over time. It is important to be patient & compassionate with ourselves as we navigate this challenging journey towards healing. To do this, having a close relationship with God is invaluable. Asking Him to tell you the truth & help you to heal will help more than anything else. It also can help to have a journal, practice good self care & have supportive & non judgmental people in your life to talk to.

In conclusion, rage is a complex emotion that often stems from past trauma & unresolved emotional wounds. By understanding the root causes of our rage & working towards healing those root causes, we can free from rage. Remember, it is never too late to start healing & reclaiming your emotional well-being.

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Filed under Abuse and the Healing Journey, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, For Male Abuse Victims, For Scapegoats, For Younger Readers, Mental Health

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