Mistreating Cats Is A Huge Red Flag Of Narcissists

I’ve always loved cats deeply.  Unlike my human family, my cats are kind, gentle, love unconditionally, offer support when I need it & so much more.

I realize not every person feels this way about cats.  The good part of that is most of those people offer no judgment.  They simply agree to disagree with me.  They also like animals, & many don’t have any pets because they realize they don’t have the time, money or energy to devote to being a good pet parent.  I completely respect these people. 

Those I don’t respect are the people who blatantly hate animals & have no problem showing it. 

It’s a known fact in the psychological community that many who hate animals may one day turn their hatred on people.  Jeffrey Dahmer tortured cats & other small animals & collected their corpses as a child.  Most everyone knows what atrocities he did in his adult life.

I have found through my own experiences & those of others I’ve spoken with that many narcissists, although not serial killers, dislike animals, & often in particular cats.  I have no scientific evidence to confirm this, but in my observations, I came up with a few ideas why this happens. 

Cats’ brains are similar to human brains.  They often are able to sense manipulation & abusers quickly, & they ardently avoid abusers.  It must be incredibly frustrating for a narcissist that they can rule some people completely, yet they can’t conquer a 10 pound animal.  How insulting that must be to a narcissist!

Some people don’t believe this, but cats understand civility.  Many times, my parents would be getting along fine with one of my cats, then they would say something insulting either to me or the cat.  That cat would either leave the room or scratch my parent.  Every time, they were stunned.  They never understood that cats want civility & basic respect for themselves & their parents.  Not receiving those things or seeing their parent mistreated makes them rightfully angry, & they can act out.

Cats come across as aloof & as if they don’t need people.  Cat parents know this is only how they may appear… they love & depend on their parents a great deal yet aren’t often friendly to many others.  Narcissists often take this behavior as a personal insult rather than a cat simply being a cat.  How dare this cat not shower them with affection!  Something clearly must be wrong with that cat!

If you’re a cat parent & wondering if someone in your life is an unsafe person or even a narcissist, let your cat help you figure it out!

Anyone who comes into your home & insults your cat knowing how much you love him or her is unsafe.  A normal person would keep their negative thoughts to themselves because they wouldn’t want to hurt or offend you.

Anyone who comes into your home & complains because you allow your cat on your sofa or bed is showing signs of control issues.  It’s your home- why would anyone care what your cat does within it?  What happens in your home doesn’t affect them so it’s really no one’s business what happens there. Control freaks think what they want to happen is all that matters, even in someone else’s home.

Some people ask cat parents to lock their cats in another room while they visit.  To me, this is the epitome of selfish & entitled behavior.  The equivalent to this is asking a parent to lock up their human child in a room while visiting.  Most people would agree that would be completely unacceptable & offensive.  Why would it be ok to do this regarding an animal yet not a human?  It isn’t.  It’s a sign of selfishness & someone who wants to be in control.

I firmly believe that how someone treats animals can be a very good indicator of that person’s true character. 


Filed under Animals, Mental Health, Narcissism

4 responses to “Mistreating Cats Is A Huge Red Flag Of Narcissists

  1. I thought it was something that I only noticed with narcissists. No matter if it was a neighbor or a relative they all had this strange hatred against cats. I thinks it’s because of the reasons you were referring to in the article as well as something similar that I thought about. What I’ve thought about when it comes to cats and narcs is that cats are very good judges of character. They’re able to see through the true character of a person. I’ve also found out through experience with them is that I do believe they can see things that we can’t see with our own eyes. I believe they’re able to see into the spirit realm and they can tell if a person is demonic or not. Cats are highly intelligent and sometimes I believe that narcs are able to pick up the fact that cats can see right through them and can sense their evil. God has blessed cats with the ability to be able to discern and sense when someone is dangerous and are evil.

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  2. Linda Lee/Lady Quixote

    I miss having cats. My husband is very allergic to them, which is why we only have dogs now. But cats love him! All animals love him. Even animals in the wild trust him.

    I remember years ago when I was dating a narcissist, back before I knew what narcissists were. My darling, gentle gray tabby, Zoey, HATED him. She knew!

    Liked by 1 person

    • aww.. that stinks he’s allergic. That’s so cool though how animals respond to him! Definitely a sign he’s a good guy!

      Zoey definitely knew! Amazing how cats see these people’s true colors before humans! My first cat, Magic, met my mother in-law twice in his life. The first time, hubby & I were renting. Our landlord needed to do an inspection on our home so we hid the cats at his parents’ house. They spent the day in a bedroom. When we went to get them, I went into the room first. Mother in-law followed me a few minutes later. When she came in, all the cats were snuggling me & happy. When they saw her, Magic sat on my lap, glaring at her. The others sat beside me, also glaring at her. Even Delta, who was my gentle little once feral girl missing half her left leg who never was threatening with anyone! Mother in-law quickly left the room. LOL The second time he met her, as soon as he saw her, he promptly pooped on her carpet! LOL He knew what she was all about. Same with my mother- he never scratched anyone but her in his entire 17 years of life.

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