Nothing Is Hidden From God So Why Not Just Be Completely Honest With Him

Have you ever felt the weight of a secret weighing you down?  It’s a horrible feeling!  But here’s the thing: nothing is hidden from God.  Proverbs 5:21 in the Amplified Bible reminds us that “the ways of man are directly before the eyes of the Lord, & He carefully watches all of his paths.”

Psalm 139:1 & 4 further emphasize this truth.  They say, “O Lord, you have searched me [thoroughly] & have known me.  Even before there is a word on my tongue [still unspoken], Behold, O Lord, You know it all.”  These verses remind us that God sees & knows everything about us, even the thoughts & intentions of our hearts.  So, instead of trying to hide our faults & sins, it’s best to be honest & admit them, knowing that God already sees & knows.

We might believe that if we keep our sins & faults concealed, we can avoid facing the consequences.  However, this mindset is both foolish & futile.  God sees through our façade, & no matter how hard we try to hide, we cannot escape that.

Imagine a child playing a game of hide-and-seek with their loving parent.  The child may think they have found the perfect hiding spot, but the parent knows exactly where the child is.  In the same way, God, our Heavenly Father, sees through our attempts to hide.  He sees the truth of who we are, & He loves us anyway.

When we try to hide our faults & sins, we not only deceive ourselves but also distance ourselves from the healing & restoration that God wants to offer us.  By being honest with Him, we open the door for His grace & forgiveness to transform us from the inside out.  God already knows our weaknesses, & yet, He still extends His love & mercy towards us.

Being honest with God can be challenging & vulnerable.  We may fear His judgment or worry about disappointing Him.  However, God is a loving & compassionate Father who desires a genuine relationship with us.  He already knows our faults & sins, & He invites us to bring them before Him.

I remember a time when I found it difficult to pray for someone who had wronged me.  I felt guilty for my lack of compassion & struggled to admit my reluctance to God.  But when I finally found the courage to be honest with Him, I experienced His grace in a profound way.  Instead of shaming me, God embraced me with His love & understanding.  He showed me that He values truth & appreciates our honesty, even when it reveals our shortcomings.

When we are honest with God, we open the door for Him to work in our lives.  We invite Him into the depths of our hearts, allowing Him to transform us & mold us into the people He created us to be.  By being transparent with God, we create space for His healing, forgiveness, & restoration.

Being honest with God not only strengthens our relationship with Him but also sets us free.  When we try to hide our faults & sins, we carry the weight of guilt & shame.  We live in constant fear, & this hinders our growth & joy.

However, when we lay our faults & sins before God, we experience true freedom.  We no longer need to hide behind a façade of pretending to have it all together.  Instead, we can be authentic & vulnerable, knowing that God accepts us as we are.  We can bring our weaknesses & struggles to Him, confident that He will meet us with His love & understanding.

Honesty with God also opens the door for transformation.  As we confess our faults & sins, God’s grace renews & changes us.  We become more aware of His presence & guidance in our daily lives, & we grow in our ability to live according to His will.  The freedom that comes from honesty with God is truly liberating.

Nothing is hidden from God.  He sees & knows every single thing about us.  Instead of trying to hide our faults & sins, it is best to be honest with Him.  Enjoy the freedom that comes from being honest with our loving Heavenly Father, knowing that He appreciates & values our honesty.


Filed under Christian Topics and Prayers, Enjoying Life, For Younger Readers, Mental Health

18 responses to “Nothing Is Hidden From God So Why Not Just Be Completely Honest With Him

  1. Jade

    I try and be honest with myself about my shortcomings as well as my strengths. I am a bit different to many people I guess, that I like introspection and growing in this way, even when it’s hard. it has been a revelation for me that some people, particularly Ns I guess, just have neither the willingness or capability to do it and go to denial.


  2. Jade

    Yes.. it’s easier with others isn’t it? this is what I was thinking of, Cynthia the INFJ door slam… I am usually too soft but can have this tendency too when pushed enough. have you heard of it?


    • Jade

      I try and be assertive more consistently now so I don’t get to this stage.


    • I have heard of it & done it plenty too. It kinda irks me it’s labeled INFJ door slam because most people do it. I think it’s labeled as such because people think most INFJs are pushovers & wouldn’t do such a “mean” thing.

      The article is accurate though.. at least in my experience. I have unceremoniously walked away from one sided & painful relationships with friends & family for those reasons. The older I get, the faster I do it too. & what is odd is I get to that point suddenly too. I’ll tolerate so much then it’s as if a wall goes up & often over something rather small.. it’s that straw that broke the camel’s back moment. When that happens, I am completely done with the person


      • Its great you’re getting more assertive!! But don’t discount door slams. Sometimes they are very necessary.


        • Jade

          i think you’re right. It’s more of a surprise for people. & I knew I’d done it as an INFP too. I think it’s definitely death by a thousand cuts sometimes and then some instinct kicks in! Yes.. I realise I wrote that thinking I didn’t want to sound too mean lol (people pleasing!!) but you’re right.. very necessary and actually I did a big, very necessary one recently so thanks for picking up on that!


          • It is. Every person I’ve doorslammed has been shocked.. even though I told them that I wasn’t tolerating their behavior, they expected me to tolerate it indefinitely & where stunned I didn’t. They also said I gave them no clue anything was wrong <sigh>

            YES! Death by a thousand cuts! Then cut 1,001 comes & instinct kicks in.

            You’re welcome! Good for you doing your INFP door slam! lol I hope you’re ok with it! ❤

            By the way… I have a FB group you are welcome to join if you’re interested. Not only do we discuss narcissism & recovery from narcissistic abuse, but also the personality stuff among all kinds of topics. No pressure of course, just making an offer. Link below…



            • Jade

              I’ve noticed with toxic people that you can spell out the problem with their behaviour in neon lights and they still don’t / don’t want to understand where we’re coming from. Hence the door slam and writing about it with you here I can see that it’s indeed a necessary tool!

              I’m not on FB but appreciate the invite. ❤️ Im learnings it’s priceless having people either IRL or online, which understand.


              • That’s so true. Your complaints go in one ear & out the other. So when you door slam them, they’re shocked & confused. They may honestly believe you never gave them any warning in some cases.

                It absolutely is a necessity! It sucks though since most of us genuinely want to be able to work through things rather than door slam. Or at least tell them “I’m leaving the relationship” first.

                You’re welcome! If you ever get on there, the invitation still goes 🩷

                It really is priceless! So grounding too!

                Liked by 1 person

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