What Do You Think?

I have been toying with the idea of creating some youtube videos for some time now, but dragging my feet about it.  Thanks to my “lovely” upbringing, I absolutely detest having my picture taken & being on a video.


However, I’m seeing there is such a need for information!  I recently read an article that estimates narcissistic abuse affects over 158,000,000 people in the USA alone.  That is a tremendous amount of hurting people in dire need of information & support!  It breaks my heart!


While I know I can’t help all of those people, I can help some.  After some prayer on this topic, I think a youtube channel is something I can & should do.


What sort of topics would you like me to cover on this channel?  Do you think I should stick with teaching about narcissistic abuse or sometimes venture off into other areas I write about periodically such as Christian living or animals?  How often do you think I should create videos?  Any format in particular sound good?  I’d love to hear your input.  You’re welcome to either comment on this post, or email me at CynthiaBaileyRug@aol.com


Filed under Abuse and the Healing Journey, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mental Health, Narcissism

18 responses to “What Do You Think?

  1. There are many channels on YouTube talking about narcissistic abuse and each channel has its own personality. What matters is that you give it your own approach. I think that you can also mix the topics. if Christian living and animals are important in your life then surely they take part in your recovery, so why not talk about it all rather than separate the topics? As for the frequency, it depends how much time you have. You can start with once a month and then increase the frequency. If you want to do it, go for it. I’ll be watching.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cindy

    Yes,definitely all of those topics.I’m not sure a lot of ppl really understand that animals do go to heaven.And anything else you feel God leads you to write about,as well as how often 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cindy

    Pardon,I meant to say vlog about! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lynettedavis

    I agree. It’s something you can and should do. There are a lot of uninformed people out there.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Angela

    I agree. I think you should talk about all the topics you feel led to talk about, to show your rounded personality. I have watched a few people talking about narcissistic abuse on YouTube recently, who have gone on far too long before they got to the point. So I think short and sweet, like the posts on your blog, would be better to get your messages across.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Lynni

    I just started my channel and would love to support you if you choose to start yours! I believe God calls each of us to be an influence where we are – so if you feel called to this then maybe it’s where he wants you to be! 🙂 x


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