Signs That Someone Lacks Self Awareness

Self awareness is the ability to be introspective & analyze one’s own thoughts, feelings, & behaviors.  It is vital to good mental health.  It also plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy relationships by enabling people to understand & regulate their emotions, empathize with others, & communicate effectively.  When interacting with those who lack self awareness, certain signs manifest.  Today we will discuss a few of them.

One of the foremost signs of dealing with someone who lacks self awareness is their evident lack of empathy towards others.  These people often are not completely void of empathy.  They simply thoughtlessly act without considering how their behavior may hurt or affect those around them.  Unlike the occasional lapses in judgment that everyone has periodically, their thoughtless actions are consistent, & they demonstrate a disregard for the feelings & well being of others.  Their focus remains primarily on their own wants, needs & emotions, neglecting to consider the impact of their actions on the people they interact with daily.

People who lack self awareness often exhibit defensive behavior when confronted with the repercussions of their actions.  Rather than considering what the person says, then reflecting on their behavior & accepting its natural consequences, they retaliate when criticized or called out for their hurtful or thoughtless conduct.  They become very upset when others express any anger or disappointment towards them.  They also fail to acknowledge the fact that their behavior is what caused the other person to feel as they do.  In their eyes, other people’s reactions are always the problem, not their behavior.  For someone who is not self aware, they do not stop their confrontation & consider their role in this unexpected argument.  

While not everyone lacking self awareness may meet the criteria for a clinical diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, they often exhibit traits commonly associated with narcissism.  Their behavior may include superficiality in both thoughts & actions, reflecting their shallow understanding of themselves & others, selfishness, insensitivity, lack of caring about how their behavior affects others & portraying themselves as innocent victims when confronted on their behavior.  You can identify them from a true narcissist because although they do show some tendencies, there are times when they do exhibit genuine empathy, generosity & kindness when doing so will not benefit them, unlike the superficial versions that narcissists display when trying to manipulate people.

When faced with someone who lacks self awareness, remember that you cannot change this person.  They are fine with being as they are, & will remain this way until such a time as they realize they need to change.  Keep your expectations of this person low, remembering that they are incapable of better behavior at this time.  Maintain healthy boundaries with them.  And most importantly, never forget to ask God to show you the best ways to deal with them,

In conclusion, recognizing the signs of dealing with someone who lacks self awareness is essential for healthy relationships. Understanding the manifestation of this behavior along with maintaining a good prayer life enables you to decide how to approach & interact with such people mindfully. 


Filed under Mental Health, Narcissism, Relationships

4 responses to “Signs That Someone Lacks Self Awareness

  1. Jade

    Recognizing these behaviours is such an important skill, Cynthia. I think partly as a result of nature and nurture, unfortunately I would blame myself for others bad behaviour when I was growing up (and until I woke up to what it’s really about in more recent years). I needed to try harder, understand them more etc. Ugh.. It was excruciating. I’m so pleased there’s so much more awareness these days and looking out for these signs helps you stop getting further involved with people who will hurt you. Thanks for another insightful post.


    • It really is important.

      Same here! One of the “gifts” narcissistic parents give their children, feeling overly responsible for others, even to our own detriment.

      Thank God for the awareness!

      You’re welcome! Thank you for your kind words! 🩷


      • Jade

        Yep! Over responsibility is a burden. It’s a rubbish legacy, isn’t it? 😕

        I feel fortunate that there’s so much more understanding. I also work at a university and it’s heartening to see younger people “getting it” even quicker.

        Pleasure – your writing is always so useful.


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