About Guilt After The Death Of A Narcissistic Parent


Filed under Abuse and the Healing Journey, Christian Topics and Prayers, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mental Health, Narcissism

2 responses to “About Guilt After The Death Of A Narcissistic Parent

  1. Lady Quixote/Linda Lee

    You posted this on March 13, my mother’s 85th birthday. I have been thinking a lot about how little time she probably has left. But every time that I have reached out to her over the years, she has hurt me again and again. Her scapegoating, gaslighting, projecting lies are the worst.

    Indeed, my stepping out of her life is simply because she is reaping what she has sowed. I would love to have a mother that I could visit and chat with on the phone. But I have never really had a mother.

    I’m so sorry you went through that pain and guilt after your mother died. The fact that you were able to settle her affairs and clean out her house amazes me. You are incredibly strong and brave.


    • I didn’t realize that was your mother’s birthday! Interesting timing, huh?

      I totally understand how you feel. Especially as they get elderly, you really want to be able to reach out but logic says that is a BAD idea. It’s awful.

      That is true, your mother is reaping what she’s sown. She’s sown some pretty horrific seeds where you’re concerned.

      Would be nice to have a mother, huh? I still envy those who are close to their moms. It’s not consuming, but sometimes it kicks in a bit & it hurts.

      Thank you so very much! I really don’t feel strong & brave at all. Just did what had to be done & no one else would do. Or legally could do. Thankfully her estate is about to be settled within the next few weeks so I can gain some normalcy back in my life. Dad’s will be settled probably in August or September. Sheesh… seems like there is no end in sight sometimes! Anyway thank you again for what you said. I truly appreciate that. ❤ ❤

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