Being Real

Good morning, Dear Readers!

I was thinking about trying to write something positive & encouraging today, & I couldn’t come up with anything. Why? Honestly, I’m in a pretty lousy mood. There have been a lot of negative things going on in my life lately, & all the things I’m learning for the new book are a lot to take in. I’m learning about so many behaviors that are abusive, that I never thought were abusive. I’m seeing clearly just how many people have abused me during my life, even people I never thought of as abusive. It’s really a lot to process! Plus, the heat & bright sun of the summer tends to depress me anyway. I’m so NOT a summer gal! Give me autumn or winter instead, please!

This all makes it hard for me to be positive & encouraging right now. I was starting to feel guilty about that (only adding to my lovely mood), & prayed. God immediately showed me something. People do not need positivity & encouragement only. They need genuine people, which is what I am. While it’s good to be positive, people also need to see that sometimes, you don’t feel positive, & that is ok. Everyone has off days. Sometimes, if people see you as only positive, they feel bad about themselves when they have an off day or two. They feel as if they’re sinning, not measuring up or failing.

We all have off days, sometimes several in a row, & that is OK!  Take it easy & practice good self-care on those days. As for me, I am going to take off this week, & not work on the new book. I’m going to relax as much as possible & help myself to feel better soon. 


Filed under Abuse and the Healing Journey, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mental Health

7 responses to “Being Real

  1. Thanks for the encouragement. I have been in your shoes before where I wake up and want to have a positive day however I just do not feel optimistic at all. I’m more of a winter person summer is too bright for me. Thanks for being genuine and real and spreading the love. Sending positive vibes your way- Phoenix 🙂


  2. SO TRUE! Genuine and real people are the best kind if people! It’s taken me so long to realize that God desires you to be honest with your emotions


  3. cindy

    I don’t like summer either.give me winter and snow any day! 🙂
    feel better soon.


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