Tag Archives: choice

An Easy & Biblical Way To Identify Good From Bad

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you weren’t sure if something was really good or bad?  Maybe you were faced with a decision that seemed harmless at first, but deep down, you had doubts.  It’s in these moments that having a clear filter can be incredibly helpful.  One Scripture that I’ve found to be incredibly helpful is John 10:10.   In the Amplified Bible it says, “The thief comes only in order to steal & kill & destroy.  I came that they may have & enjoy life, & have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”  This Scripture has served me well in distinguishing between what is good & what is bad. 

John 10:10 provides a clear distinction between the intentions of the enemy, Satan, & the purpose of Jesus.  The enemy’s intentions are to steal, kill, & destroy, while Jesus came to give us life in abundance.  By analyzing a situation objectively, we can assess whether it aligns with the life giving purpose of Jesus or if it aligns with the destructive intentions of Satan.

The best example of applying it that comes to mind is my marriage.  My husband’s family always has hated me.  They believe that I “stole” him away from them, kept him from them & that I’m not a suitable wife for him.  However, if you look at our marriage, you can see that it’s brought growth, success, & maturity to both of us.   There is no hint of stealing, killing, or destroying in any capacity.  Although they view it as bad, it truly is not bad. 

Emotions can cloud our judgment & make it difficult to see things objectively.  But looking at things through the lens of John 10:10 helps us to remove personal emotions & biases from a situation.  When evaluating whether something is truly good or bad, it’s so important to set aside emotions & biases.  This is especially true when dealing with personal matters such as relationships, where our emotions easily can influence our perception.

Look again at the case of my marriage.  They believed I had taken my husband away from them, & claimed I treated them badly so they were angry.  However, by looking at the situation without emotion, it’s clear that their perspective is skewed, partly by their anger.  There is no evidence to support their warped beliefs or that our marriage had caused anyone any harm.  I prayed & considered my situation because I wanted to be absolutely certain I was innocent of the accusations. Leaving emotion out of the equation while considering John 10:10 allowed me to see the situation for what it truly was – gaslighting & projection by narcissists.

It’s also essential to look for evidence.  Evidence provides a factual basis for our assessments, which helps separate truth from perception.  In the case of my marriage, there is no evidence my husband or I could find to support the negative claims made by his family.  The only evidence was that our relationship had brought positive changes & growth to us both.  By focusing on the tangible aspects of our marriage, it’s very clear that it’s not bad, even if it doesn’t align with their ideal scenario.

When applying John 10:10 as a filter, never forget to look for evidence that supports or contradicts the intentions described.  Evidence will help you to make informed decisions & avoid being swayed by subjective opinions or emotional responses.

John 10:10 serves as a powerful filter to identify what is truly good or bad in our lives.  By considering it without allowing your emotions or biases to influence you as you examine the evidence, you can navigate through your doubts & uncertainties with greater clarity & confidence.

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Filed under Christian Topics and Prayers, Enjoying Life, Evil Spirits and Spiritual Warfare, Mental Health, Relationships

Bad Decisions & Narcissists

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Filed under Mental Health, Narcissism