Tag Archives: interfere

People Who Try To Break Up Marriages Are Treading Dangerous Waters

Marriage is a covenant between a husband & wife, but more importantly, it’s a covenant with God.  Throughout the Bible, we can find numerous passages that emphasize the sanctity of marriage & warn against any attempts to break it apart.  One such passage is Genesis 2:24, which in the Amplified Bible states, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” 

In Hebrews 13:4, it is further emphasized that marriage is to be held in honor by all.  The verse says, “Marriage is to be held in honor among all [that is, regarded as something of great value], and the marriage bed undefiled [by immorality or by any sexual sin]; for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”  This Scripture reminds us that God takes marriage seriously & will judge those who disrespect this sacred institution.

Matthew 19:6 is another powerful reminder of God’s design for marriage.  Jesus says, “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.”  These words from Jesus Himself leave no room for ambiguity.  When a couple enters into marriage, they become one flesh, & it is not for anyone to tear that union apart.

Additionally, in 1 Peter 4:15, it is written, “Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or a thief, or any sort of criminal [in response to persecution], or as a troublesome meddler interfering in the affairs of others;”  This Verse warns against meddling in the affairs of others, which includes marriages.  It is a clear reminder that we should not interfere in something that does not concern us.  By crossing this line, we’re going against God’s command.

Everyone must be aware of the dangers that come with attempting to break up marriages.  People who do this are going against God’s will, & causing immense pain to the couple involved.  It is crucial to stay away from anyone who tries to break up our marriage.

It is also essential to discern the difference between offering support & meddling in someone’s marriage.  We must respect the boundaries & privacy of others.  It is crucial for couples to protect their marriage by establishing clear boundaries & remaining steadfast in their commitment to one another.

We must be vigilant in guarding our marriage against any external influences that could potentially harm it.  This includes staying away from individuals who may try to undermine or interfere in our relationship.  When faced with someone attempting to break up your marriage, it is vital to stay grounded in your faith & trust in God’s guidance.

Marriage is a sacred covenant that deserves our utmost respect & protection.  God takes marriage seriously, & we must honor & preserve this institution.  Those who try to break up marriages not only show a great amount of disrespect to the couple but are also going against God’s will.  It is crucial to stay away from anyone who attempts to interfere in marriage & to support & encourage couples in their journey together. 


Filed under Abuse and the Healing Journey, Christian Topics and Prayers, Enjoying Life, Marriage, Relationships